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Slow Notion on Sustainable Sex Toys

Ryn's Revels on the Swing

Oh Joy Sex Toy on Indie Stores

Mason Luke Unboxes Some Toys!

Nessbow Reviews the Swell

Princess Previews Favorite Toys 2020 (feat. NoFrillDo R)

Bicons Boutique NoFrillDo Introduction

Desi Vibes Funkit Toys Mega Review

Ryn Reviews the NoFrillDos (and likes one of them)

Dr. Vixenne on the Crista Swell

Kenton in Forbes on Gender Neutral Toys

Dr. Liz Powell interview on how toys are made

Yes is Sexy on the NoFrillDo R

Pillow Princess on the NoFrillDos

RedHotSuz on the B1 and two other indie toys

Sex Positive Psych interview with Dr. Liz Powell

MNDFCKpodcast appearance

On The Wet Coast on geeking out, ~13 minutes in

Kelvin Sparks on the NoFrillDo G

Epiphora names Funkit Toys 2018's Manufacturer of the Year

12 Days of Girly Juice: NoFrillDo B

Princess Previews reviews the NoFrillDo R

Funkit Toys shout out on What's My Body Doing

Kate Sloan on the NoFrillDo B (and 4 other femme cocks)

Angel reviews the Cashew Groove (and generally gushes about NoFrillDos)

A brief mention by Liz Elliot in a piece on toy safety

Platinum Grade Sex Toy Myths: Material Safety Between the Sheets at SFS18 with  Dangerous Lilly (captioned by Erika Lynae)

Cathy Vartulli interviews Kenton for Woodhull

Suz is back with a NoFrillDo Lineup!

Avery Reviews the NoFrillDo R

Dizzy Reviews the NoFrillDo B

Kenton makes a guest appearance on The Pageist!

Phallophile NoFrillDo G/B review!

Rae Chen reviews the NoFrillDo B!

Sexplanations Podcast with Dr. Lindsey Doe!

Dangerous Lilly's Favorite Things 2017

Sex Edvent Calendar with Bianca Palmisano

Avery on the Almond

Indigo Tries the Swell

Indigo Wolfe: 12" Rainbow Paddle

The Dildorks interview Kenton!

Kate Sloan on the Funkit Layered Acrylic Paddle

Ninjasexology calls in the SWAT team

Scandarella reviews the 2-layer Acrylic!

Dr. Doe's Gift Suggestions

Dangerous Lilly's 2016 favorites

JoEllen Notte thinks Funkit Toys is "how [sex geeks] would make the toys if we were in charge."

Black Pomegranate on the Signet

Avery reviews the Swing V2 and their Funkit Customer Experience

Emmeline Peaches interviews Kenton

AquaKink on the Funkit Signet: A Toy with Multiple Uses

The Dildorks on Hand Sex (Signet mentioned at 42:03, but listen to the whole thing, it's so great)

DangerousLilly interview on Silicone Clarity

Wetlandia reviews the Cashew Groove

Red Hot Suz on the Cashew Nib

Squeaky Bedsprings is nuts about the Cashew Nib

A Couple of Kinks review a BeatCleaver

The Deaf Queer: Swell Indeed

Sex City radio show interview (I'm on ~39 minutes in, but the other two interviewees are super worth your time)

Looking to be featured here? I'd love to talk to you.

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